Where is your heart in relation to shepherding?

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Where is your heart in relation to shepherding?

Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 2

When it comes to shepherding, what really matters is that you have the heart for it. Where is your heart in relation to shepherding?

The Lord has done far more for me than I could ever ask or imagine. This includes tangible blessings left and right, top and bottom. I’ve also walked through my own valleys of the shadow of death. The most difficult was dissolving the partnership with the cofounder of our business who was a dear friend and my wife’s only brother. So painful and in my wife and my perspective, so necessary for the good of everyone. Throughout every dark valley, The Good Shepherd has been my front and rear guard and Jehovah Jireh all at the same time.

Gods provision has postured and inspires me to lead others to The Good Shepherd and to lie down in green pastures by still waters. The Spirit gave me this encouragement in the midst of the hard; “Dave, fear not, do not be afraid. You’re never alone, never too weak and there’s always a path.” The Lord is my Shepherd!

Dave Dassoulas
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