Facing The Lions

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Facing The Lions

Post by fkballa65 »

DAY 18: 08/7/19
In Chapter 18 the author brings to light the normal, yet subtle activities of the jungle lions, while drawing parallels to the “Roaring Lion,� out there attacking the individual sheep in the local congregation and at large the worldwide Church of Jesus Christ. The lion is the most dread animal in the animal kingdom. Similarly, the Devil also is known as the roaring Lion is the most sinister enemy of the people in general even more so of the believers in Christ.

We can learn some lessons about shepherding by observing of David, the shepherd boy who became the shepherd leader of the nation of Israel. David went after a lion and a bear and killed them with his bare hands, rescuing his sheep from the mouths of its predators. When the time came, he was ready to take on the giant Goliath who was threatening God’s sheep Israel.
From where did David get his confidence? From his hands or his ability to sling a sling? The answer lies in his confession, “The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine!� (I Samuel 17:37) One principle I see here at work, “small victories precede big victories.� We as shepherd leaders cannot take on the bigger ideological and philosophical giants that are threatening the Church of Jesus Christ when we don’t address the sins that we individually are struggling with and the sins of our congregants.

The ultimate spiritual predator, the devil, is relentlessly going after the believers in our congregations. He is not going to spare anyone, including the shepherd of the church. How can we go after the devil, as David went after the lion? By taking refuge in our God, by staying alert and being watchful, above all using the most effective and powerful tool of the “Spiritual Armor, the sword of the Spirit.� How could we expose and defeat the subtle attacks of the Devil upon believers that come through seductive addictions to drugs, alcohol, pornography, etc.?

"It is not by force nor by strength, but my Spirit says the LORD of Heaven's Armies."The same Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead resides in us. Therefore, we can say, “Greater is He that is in us than the one who is in the world.� Through Christ, we are more than conquerors, with His help we can face the Roaring Lion as Christ has already soundly defeated him on the Cross.
As an under-shepherd of Hope Church, I hope to be alert and watchful in prayer so that none of the congregants would fall into the hands of the devour. I aspire to be a shepherd warrior or shepherd leader who goes after the lions of all kinds and defeat them, knowing that my Lord will always be with me and rescue me from all harm and danger. Amen!
While Shepherds Watch Their Flocks: “Facing the Lions� Day 18, Pages127-131
Francis Balla (D. Min) Student ID 163124
Rev. Francis Balla, Pastor
Hope Church Sharon
5 Harold Street, Sharon, MA 02067
e-mail: francis.balla@gmail.com
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