The hard work of digging

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The hard work of digging

Post by tstew »

"Water is rarely accessible without knowledge and hard work" (p. 48). When I read that sentence, I immediately think of sermon prep. Even though I have years of experience preparing sermons, it still doesn't come easy. Sometimes I come home frustrated on a Friday after working on a sermon all day and I tell my wife, "This is hard. I feel stuck. I'm not sure what to say about this text." Trying to get at the source of living water on behalf of our people almost never proves to be an easy task. But it's worth it, because the water is there. And the water sustains life.

I was struck in this chapter by how the shepherds know where to look for water. They have knowledge of the landscape. Through years of experience, they've learned the signs that point to where the water is. But at the end of the day, they still have to dig. There's no escaping the hard work. Even when they know exactly where the water is, it will not surface on its own. It will require the labor of the shepherds to bring it forth. That is part of the calling of the shepherd. Dig for water!

When I think of God's word in this way, I'm renewed in my commitment to search the scriptures for Jesus and to bring him to the surface so our church can drink deeply of him. I am also motivated to always be teaching our people how to dig for themselves. The Bible is accessible for all, but it will take a little knowledge and hard work.
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