Spiritual abuse can come from good willed ignorance

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Spiritual abuse can come from good willed ignorance

Post by skim51 »

I was part of a church that was constantly having internal issues. The church has a history of 5 pastors leaving on bad terms. The church had a huge split and majority of the church members left. And the leadership still refused to own up to their damage. The problem was not that they were hungry for power. The problem was that they were just so ignorant. They meant well but they had emotional IQ's of a first grader. They did not listen well to concerns. They were unable to put themselves in anyone else's shoes. And they had a very limited amount of boxes in which everything had to fit into those boxes. So a woman who was going through depression because of all the things going on in her life, including losing her brother, she was considered to be unrepentant. Bible said so. Bible says she is not turning from her sins. She was told to repent of her sins because it was her that was causing problems in the church. With all the complexities in this scenario, she was only able to fit into the box labeled unrepentant. There were no other boxes that the leaders had.
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