Righteous Ruts

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Righteous Ruts

Post by jvaughn1 »

Day 30 Righteous Ruts
Psalm 23:3 He guides me in paths of righteousness. I agree that each good shepherds that lead their flocks on the right paths must know the kind of guidance that is required in knowing the environment as well enough to recognize where each trail leads. The valued lived depend on the guidelines. We must continue to walk in God’s ways or on his paths following his directions. When I think of walking these divine paths I think about my path that I am on and I realize that I am at the intersection of what God has for me is for me. The divine direction alone secure a flock’s safety, because there is safety in knowing that you are on the right path with God. There are times when we fail, and when we get off path, times when we face ruts along the way. However the good news is knowing that he has a compass that draws us back to his path. I am reminded here in this devotional that in the biblical text of Psalm, “My steps have held to your paths; my feet have not slipped.� God’s path brings us strength, direction, and the opportunity to point others in the right direction that are lost.
Julie L Vaughn
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